Netapp Notes

Monday Morning Introductions Form
Daily class survey:

Call Nick for lab issues after lectures are done in online classes:

Ce11ular: four two four – 2 five 9 – two one five 8
PDFs of Courseware & login information

If you are using the vitalsource bookshelf application the exercise and student guides are hard to differentiate:







Performance & Monitoring


Audit Logs

  • Steps
    • If audit logging is turned off, enter the following command to turn audit logging on:
    • options auditlog.enable on
    • To change the maximum size of the audit log file, enter the following command:
    • options auditlog.max_file_size value
    • value is the maximum size in bytes. The default value is 10,000,000 (about 10 MB).
    • sending audit logs to a remote log server
      1. First enable syslog to a remote server
      2. enable accepting remote logs on your linux/unix log server
      3. add a line that says: “local7.* @your_log_server” to the netapp’s syslog.conf. reference

Performance Tuning

NFS Performance Tuning

CIFS Performance Tuning

ISCSI Performance Tuning

Follow the steps for Red Hat:
1. Check the below packages available.
rpm -q device-mapper
rpm -q device-mapper-multipath

2.To start the multipath daemon
# /etc/init.d/multipathd start

3. To configure the DM-Multipath devices

# multipath

4. Configuring DM-Multipath to start automatically while booting.
chkconfig --add multipathd
chkconfig multipathd on

5. Verify that the multipathd is running
# /etc/init.d/multipathd status

6. To view a list of the multipath device
# multipath -ll

Application Best practice guides

General References


Data protection

Follow up

    • Listing out all domain users:
        run from a unix host:

rsh useradmin domainuser list -g ‘Administrators’ | sed ‘s/^S/rsh cifs lookup S/’

nick@ubuntu:~$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/nick/.ssh/id_dsa): /home/nick/clusterkey
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/nick/clusterkey.
Your public key has been saved in /home/nick/
The key fingerprint is:
d4:a5:07:e4:31:02:e0:3e:b3:8b:1c:1f:be:48:86:5c nick@ubuntu
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ DSA 1024]----+
|    ......= .    |
|   .     + *     |
|    .   . + .    |
|   .   .   .     |
|   E+   S        |
|...  +           |
|..+ o            |
| + * o           |
|  + =.           |
nick@ubuntu:~$ chmod 600 /home/nick/clusterkey*
nicktest-8.2::*> security login create -username sshtest -application ssh -authmethod publickey -role admin
Warning: To use public-key authentication, you must create a public key for user "sshtest".

nicktest-8.2::*> security login publickey create -username sshtest -index 0 -publickey “ssh-dss 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 nick@ubuntu”

  • ssh to vserver example:
::> security login unlock -username vsadmin -vserver nfs
::> security login password -username vsadmin -vserver nfsEnter a new password:

Enter it again:

::> security login unlock -username vsadmin -vserver nfs

Once you have the vsadmin, login via SSH using vsadmin@vs_mgmt_lif.

cluster1::> security login create -vserver cluster1 -username DOMAIN1\Administrator -application ssh -authmethod domain -role admin
cluster1::> vserver create -vserver vs -rootvolume vol -aggregate aggr -ns-switch file -rootvolume-security-style mixed
cluster1::> vserver cifs create -vserver vs -cifs-server vscifs -domain -ou CN=Computers
cluster1::> security login domain-tunnel create -vserver vs

$myCluster = ""
$myGroup = "developers"
$myVolume = "quotavol"
$myVserver = "svm_red"
$myDiskLimit = "1gb"
$mySoftDiskLimit ="500mb"

Connect-NcController -Name $myCluster -HTTPS -Vserver $myVserver
New-NcQuotaPolicy -PolicyName myPolicy -Vserver svm_red
Add-NcQuota -Group $myGroup -Volume $myVolume -DiskLimit $myDiskLimit -SoftDiskLimit $mySoftDiskLimit -Qtree “test” -Policy myPolicy